Thursday 11 December 2008

Flu: The Gift and The Curse

I've been busy over the last weeks. Work and partying in equal measures. After a long week and one hell of a friday night I sat, with what a thought was just a deserved hangover, and had a ponder. Post ponder and my plan was no more booze this week outside of watching football. This meant more time for getting my ass to the cinema. I was happy. As the saturday dragged on and I waited for the 5:30 game I started to notice something was amiss. Sure I've woken up with a sore throat and no voice before, but this was more. Nose full to bursting and the acute pain of the hangover headache being replaced by the dull thud of a head cold. Flu was on its way.

Monday morning, having not left the flat since friday. Woke up feeling terrible but dragged myself out of bed to the office. Two hours later and I'm on my way back home again. Where I've stayed till now. But what to do with myself? Watch films of course.

The Gift. The great thing about flu is that once you accept that you are useless then you just have to stick it out. Plant yourself in bed or on the sofa and do nothing*. The asterisks here signifies nothing that can't be done without leaving your bed/sofa. Perfect for watching films. Six in three days to be exact.

The curse. Other than the being ill that is, is two fold. Communication. Having watched the best, worst, or any in between film is only so satisfying if you can't blabber on about it to a like-minded individual. Which is hard. You can't talk so you can't talk to people. And unless you have infected all your mates then you can't chat online (if you are so inclined). Overdose. Two films a day is not that special, we have all done rocky/star wars/godfather/alien/LOTR/... marathons in our time. But to repeat this day after day after day is, well numbing. Not that I didn't enjoy watching the films it's just things didn't stand out as much. Except that is for Juno. If it is the soundtrack, which I was addicted to for a while, or that I genuenly love the film I'm not sure. But Juno stood out. Today I'm aim to watch just the one film. Thank you for smoking.

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