Tuesday 13 January 2009

Che: Part One

Day two, film two. The day is tuesday, the film is Che: Part 1. Having not heard a review of this yet and with the Globes passing it by (Del Toro is superb) Che had less to live up to than Slumdog. On writing the last sentence I realised something. Che Guevara is the poster boy for a generation of wannabe marxists and the most famous none English speaking political Hero (he isn't my hero but I know a lot of people for who he is). So fair is fair I guess. Che and Slumdog follow a similar style of story telling. Che flicks between the big man's meeting with the UN and the revolutionary war in Cuba. Where as Slumdog switchs between the present day events surrounding the show and the life of the Slumdog himself. But were as Slumdog races out of the blocks at a million miles an hour and doesn't slow down, Che takes its time. Even during the fight scenes there is no rush to a climax.

The film is very much about the man and how he came to be respected and idolised the way he is. It shows how he was calm a capable whatever was thrown at him. Be it the UN, the war wounded, or gunfire and grenades. As I said Del Toro is brilliant, from the first minute he commands the screen and your attention. Want to watch part two as soon as soon as possible.

If you are willing to sit through two hours of war and all round hard times then it is certainly worth it. If you can't sit through that then go watch bride wars and don't bother complaining.

P.s. I'm watching the footie tomorrow so there won't be a film till thursday. I'm as sad as you.

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