Saturday, 17 January 2009

The Reader

Day three, film three. On the third day and the second attempt I saw 'The Reader' (the multiplex showing was sold out so we went to an independent cinema). With Kate Winslet winning the golden globe the other night expectation should be high. But Kermode and Empire both gave it average reviews. I my little world that makes things about even. Again.

First the bad things, of which there are a few. Firstly the pace, this is something that Empire and Kermode moaned about. On another day I might not have been so patient. Then there is the german accents. With half the cast being german this could be the reason for it. Still it's annoying. And it leads me to my final complaint. This is a film that is hoping to win awards, it's not some paint-by-numbers hollywood popcorn movie. So why does it treat it's audience like simpletons? The german accents certainly aren't required for the story. Given the subject matter we aren't going to forget where we are. A major plot point is a trail against former nazi death camp workers. A survivor testifies at the trial, so we know that she is Jewish. Later in the film we are in her apartment, and straight away there is a chanukah (jewish candle thing) in the middle of shot. Then she tells us about how her mother died in Israel. We get it, she is jewish. Again the dialog doesn't exactly give you a chance to forget.

Now on the the good. The story is fantastic, and Winslet is great. I mean they are both amazing. Really, really good. Even with the complains above I still loved this film. I could see how it could drag if you weren't in the mood. But if you are in the mood then it's worth every minute and certainly worth going to two cinemas to see it.

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