Monday 12 January 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Day one, film one. The day is Monday, the film is Slumdog Millionaire. Given the Golden Globe results last night I was expecting a lot from Danny Boyles latest effort (also due to all the other praise that as been awarded to this film).I feel I should confess before we get started. I'm not the mans biggest fan, always struggle to care for his characters and struggle to stick with the plot all the way through. Feel that he doesn't build tension well, just starts off at quite a high level and sticks with it. I'm worn out 3/4 of the way through and checking my watch.

This is both my review of slumdog millionaire and all other Danny Boyle films (excluding 28 days later which is fantastic). Which makes me think I'm missing something. I really liked the start of the film with the kids, reminded me of City of God, the innocence of children conquering everything. But by the end I wasn't sat there wanting the happy ending, more waiting for it. Solid 7/10, fun but not fantastic.

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